When we are thinking, are we thinking right? What we understand, is that right? Conception, perception we have, are those right? How we may know? In regard Buddha’s citation of a story: Once a king decided to have some fun and so put together some blind people around an elephant and ask them to touch the elephant and tell him what is that.
The blind, who touch elephant’s tail, told that the elephant was just broom-like. Who touched elephant’s hand said that the elephant is like a wall. The blind man who touched elephant’s leg, he said that the elephant is like a tree etc. This way everyone described elephant differently but everyone was thinking that his description is the only right one.
This way nobody does realize that they only touch one part of the elephant’s body. Every blind man’s statement was one sided true. One was arguing with another with their own perception and conception. End result was fighting with each other and make them unhappy.
If the fact is versatile, it cannot be described in one way. In regard Buddha said, I don’t fight against world even if the world became against me. I let it go with “loving-kindness”, compassion, sympathetic joy and a state of inner equipoise that cannot be upset by gain and loss, honor and dishonor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain.
Buddha said people in general, because they see one side of the truth or one part of the subject. Even the meditator who lives on perception and conception they also lived on those dogmatism. In regard let tell you story about a Professor who were interested to know more about Zenism and so ask a Zen master to tell about Zenism.
Zen master after hearing his question did not say anything instead quietly started pouring tea in a cup. The cup became filled, but he continued to pouring. Professor can’t take it right and so with frustration ask the Zen Master, the tea is overflowing, but why are you pouring after? Zen Master said, alike what I am doing is your mind, which is already full of some perception and conception regarding Zenism. If you really want to know about Zenism then empty your mind first or free your mind from those perception and conception first.
Discussion should not conduct on blind belief neither dogmatized perception and conception. Be open minded and so Buddha cited that please come and see but don’t even grant the Buddha’s teaching without examination, analysis or on blind belief.
Main purpose of Buddhism is to attain Nibbàna. Nibbàna is the cessation of mentality (nàma) and materiality (råpa). To reach Nibbàna, therefore, we must completely destroy both wholesome mental states, rooted in non-greed, non-anger, and non-delusion, and unwholesome mental states, rooted in greed, anger, and delusion, and which produce new birth, ageing, sickness and death. If we destroy them totally with the insight-knowledges and path knowledge (ariyamagga), then we will reach Nibbàna. In other words, Nibbàna is release and freedom from the suffering of the round of rebirths (saÿsàra), and the cessation of rebirth, ageing, sickness, and death. We are all subject to the suffering of rebirth, ageing, sickness, and death, and so to free ourselves from the many forms of suffering we need to meditate. Since we wish to be free from all suffering, we must learn how to meditate in order to attain Nibbàna.